Wednesday, May 23, 2007

this and that

Wow its been a really busy week around here (sort of). First, last Sunday we went to the drop zone for our "leaps of faith" series. My buds Kylie and Angi went and jumped out of a plane. Yeah!!! I'm so proud of you guys. Then we all got together and celebrated over chicken and steak, and a yummy trifle if I may say so myself.

Next, Ryan started crawling on all fours! He is my big big boy. Love that guy so much. Tim and I were saying that now that he is crawling he just seems so much bigger! We decided to redecorate the living room and then put up the baby gate. We are officially caged in. I wish I could get my video camera to work...Bobby, HELP!! Ryan is now up to 4 teeth. I just know the others are coming in soon!

Tonight is the finale of American Idol and I thought I would put in my two cents. I love Jordan. Blake is good and I think his shows would be entertaining but his vocals don't compare to Jordan. So I guess we'll see what happens. I am also bummed that 24 is coming to an end. I still haven't watched the season finale. So shhhhh, don't tell me what Jack did this time. So what am I filling the void of all the shows that are leaving?... my new obsession...One Tree Hill. I am so 15. I love this soap and on Soap Net they are running the episodes from the beginning. I have been watching it but started in the third season, they are currently on the 4th season. There was so much I missed. I really love this show. Ryan and I now watch it everyday at 5pm (I'm watching it as I write this). I just noticed it's 6:05 and I have praise band rehearsal at 6:30 so I have to so. Talk to you later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, the trifle was fabulous! Erin said tonight was a OTH repeat :(