Today you turned 5 years old. The thought of you being 5 is mind blowing. What makes this day even more special is that it's Mother's Day. There is no other person I would rather spend this day with then you!

You are just about to finish up preschool and start kindergarten in July. You love to learn which actually surprises me, I thought that was going to be Ryan's area. You love to color, play pac-man, and play outside with your friends.
Ryan and you have such a great relationship but you hide it really well
with all the fighting. You are such a great big brother to Luke. It has been so fun seeing you as an older brother. You and Luke wrestle and tackle each other. When Luke gets too aggressive with you, you just let it roll off your back and try to laugh it off.

Already at age 5 you are a ladies man. I can't keep you away from the girls. You are going to be a heart breaker I know it. Good thing you have such a good role model in your father on how to treat girls.
Noah, I love you more then words can express. You are smart, funny, kind, happy, silly and the list goes on. I am excited to see where yet another year takes us.
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