Monday, January 09, 2012


I have thought much about the new year. I started to think about the typical new years resolutions and what I wanted to get out of this new year. My good friend Jessica wrote a blog post about taking one word and having it represent your "theme" for the year. I also read another blog where a mom asked her family what their new years resolutions were. After they stated your typical resolutions she asked them what they think Gods resolutions would be for them. Their answers changed dramatically. This made me think a lot about my new year. So this is what I came up with...

The first thing that hit me like a ton of bricks was the word discipline. I think this one word can sum up my new years goals. Who in their life couldn't use a little discipline. When it comes to food? or our time? or housework? or working out? or bible time? I feel like I need to manage my life a little better. Set a more scheduled routine. Sometimes I get in the rut of sitting down and having a hard time getting up and finishing the days work.

I am inspired this new year with all the awesome things to come. There is something that always feels fresh about a new year. 2011 was good to me and our family. Luke was born and continues to bring our lives even more joy. I am so excited to watch these boys continue to grow and continue to develop into their little personalities.

Happy new year to all of you...


Kylie said...

Such a great family photo!! You will rock 2012!

Jessica said...

Hey friend -
I'm already seeing your "discipline" for 2012 pay off in many areas!! It's encouraging to me as I try to live out my word :) Blessed to share our one word successes this year!!! love ya!