Monday, April 13, 2009


Happy Easter! I know a little late but still better then never, right?.

On Friday Ryan and I decorated eggs together. Now I need to find something to do with the eggs. Earlier that morning Tim took the kids to an egg hunt at his work. On Saturday morning Tim took the kids to his brothers house to hunt more eggs. My awesome husband took the kids for the day while I had a nice workout and then a girls spa day! That's right, you should be jealous. I digress, on Sunday morning we went to church and the kids hunted for eggs between the two services. I was so disappointed when I realized I forgot my camera at home. No Easter pictures! It was Noah's first Easter and no camera. Luckily Michelle was there with her camera so she took some pictures of the boys. We got home and put Ryan down for a nap, I must admit I fell asleep at this point. Of course, just when Noah went down Ryan woke up.

While Ryan was playing it seems Tim also fell asleep. FYI, not good to have 2 sleeping parents when an Easter basket full of candy is close by. Upon waking up from my short(ahem, 3 hour)nap, we come to find Ryan has red something all over his shirt. Yes, that would be the matching shirt he has with Noah that I have still yet to take pictures of them in. It took about 5 minutes for Tim to realize Ryan got in to his Easter basket and enjoyed his first Now and later...cherry of course. Well I guess this makes up for not feeding him lunch due to our napping schedule. Wow, this sounds even worse while writing it!

We decided to wake Noah up at 5pm (after Ryan's shirt has been washed) and pick up some subway sandwiches (great Easter dinner) and picnic on the grass by the bay in Coronado. It was FREEZING! Oh well, Ryan had a blast. Noah, not so much. Then to end the day we went for some frozen yogurt. Not your typical Easter Sunday but it worked for us - sort of. Here are some pics of Easter festivities!

Our family eggs

Ryan at his cousins house



Linda said...

I'll make sure and forward this to CPS (Child Protection Services);o)

Anonymous said...

Very cute pics! I love the eggs. Good job Ryan.

Amy said...

love this new camera!