Sunday, March 22, 2009

thoughs for today

Man, I'm tired. Noah is sick...Again! This means I clocked a total of 3 1/2 hours in bed last night. I am ready for everyone to feel better. This season seems to have hit Noah pretty hard. I would post some pictures I've been taking of him but I don't think I have one without boogers all over his nose! Ahhh, the joys of parenthood.

Well, It's time. I said when we got home from Disneyland I would start potty training Ryan. Here is the thing, I don't think he is ready. I am sure I'm not ready. When you ask him if he wants to use the potty he states his feelings rather clearly, NO! I want him trained but I don't want to go through the process!!! Yesterday Tim and I went to Costco and bought a box of about 200 diapers. I guess he has about another month or so to decide he wants to go pee on the potty.

Speaking of Disneyland, I am well aware there are still no pictures posted of that day. I promise you one day they will come. Right now, my veggieburger is waiting for me!


Amy said...

thanks for sharing your thoughts... WHERE ARE THE PICTURES?!?!
BTW, Noah looks like his hair is getting lighter? Is it just the lighting?

Anonymous said...

Poor Noah. And yes, I am waiting to see Disneyland pics.
As for potty training - get him stickers and treats. Bribing goes a long way :)

The Early Family said...

We threw Spongebob cheez its in the potty and told him to get Spongebob. He was potty trained in one day because he wanted to get Spongebob. We had him stand up though, because he didn't want anything to do with the little potty.